We are now a digital newspaper. We stopped printing a physical newspaper in March of 2020. Our primary means of submissions is electronic; however, we still accept hard copy photos if no digital copy is available.
- Color and black & white accepted.
- Photos clipped from newspapers or magazines are not accepted due to poor quality and possible copyright restrictions.
- Photographic and high-quality digital prints are accepted.
- We prefer that a small piece of paper containing the photo ID and any other pertinent information be taped to the back of the print (or use a Post-It note). Do not write directly on the back of the photo.
- Photographic prints will be returned if a self-addressed stamped envelope is provided.
- We reserve the right to refuse photos that are damaged, of poor quality or contain objectionable content.
Hard Copy
- If you do not have access to email and can only send in a hard copy of your story or information, it must be typed cleanly enough so it can be scanned into digital text. No hand-written submissions will be accepted.
- Send all submissions (editorial and advertising) to: tribune@tribune-courier.com
- In the message portion of your email include a description of what is attached and contact information including name, phone number, e-mail address, insertion dates (for advertising) and any other pertinent information.
Email Attachments
- Editorial: Please do not name your file attachment something like “DSC_2985.” We request that the name of your file attachment reflects its content and/or the story it goes with.
- Advertising: Please do not name your file attachment something like “T-C Ad.” Please include the name of the business in the file attachment name.
Advertising Submissions
- We prefer composite graphics be submitted in PDF format. When generating a PDF, be sure all fonts are embedded. We work in the RGB color space but will take submissions in CMYK or grayscale.
- We will accept JPG and TIF files, but if there is a problem with color we will not be able to adjust them other than basic lightening/darkening. A PDF generated from a publishing program gives us the most flexibility if we need to adjustments to the ad for any reason. A PDF generated from a raster program (like Photoshop) is not an editable PDF.
- We will accept native Illustrator files or PDFs saved in Illustrator as long as all fonts are converted to outlines.
Stumbo Publishing Co., Inc.
419-529-2847 | tribune@tribune-courier.com